We've moved across the pacific and the equator; from the 'city by the bay' to the 'city of villages' down under; from 'woterr' to 'wattah' and 'Thank you' to 'Ta' but more on that later. We thought we'd start this when we got here to keep friends and family informed and updated on our whereabouts without flooding email inboxes with random comments and photos but it has taken us 8 months to actually get around to doing it.
Now that we have started, we will try and catch you up on the past few months and bring you along with us going forward.
Do 'follow' our blog so you know when we post updates ('follow' - not a word I would use to describe you trying to stay in touch via the blog) and maybe even sign up for RSS 'feeds' (whoever thinks these words up!).
Regardless of whether you follow us or are simply being fed, do let us know if this works and let us know when we are plain boring or mundane and comment on anything, really.
Hope you enjoy this as much as we hope to!!